Protea and Flux
Hello world! Not that the world is really watching. Here are some thoughts I'd like to catalogue - I'd forgotten I started this blog until today actually. Growing up, I was never a very decisive person. I spent large amounts of time flipping back and forth when trying to choose anything, whether that be between two varieties of apple at a grocery store, what university to go to, or whether to quit band or not. Through the last 2 years of college, I think I've gotten a lot better at not doing this, though now I have this weird habit of having chunks of time I dedicate to indulging in overanalyzing decisions. (i.e. allowing myself to spend a stupidly long time deciding on vegetables at Hmart exactly once a month). I have also gotten to an age where I realize that very few decisions actually branch into scenarios of significantly different overall valence when compared to each other. Since last August, I have made a series of very quick decisions that felt very 'righ...